Conquer Bullworth Academy in Bully: Anniversary Edition for iOS - informaiosymas
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martes, 23 de abril de 2024

Conquer Bullworth Academy in Bully: Anniversary Edition for iOS


Bully: Anniversary Edition

Title: Conquer Bullworth Academy in Bully: Anniversary Edition for iOS


Step into the world of pranks and student camaraderie with Bully: Anniversary Edition for iOS. In this unique Rockstar game, you play as Jimmy Hopkins, a mischievous student navigating the complex social hierarchies of Bullworth Academy while striving to make a name for himself and earn the respect of his peers.

Key Features:

Explore Bullworth Academy: Dive into a vibrant, bustling world as you explore the grounds of Bullworth Academy, including dorms, classrooms, the courtyard, and more.

Stand Up to Bullying: Protect the vulnerable, confront bullies, and defy authority in a series of thrilling and entertaining missions.

Extracurricular Activities: Take part in a variety of extracurricular activities, such as classes, sports, pranks, and more as you navigate student life at Bullworth.

Remastered Graphics: Enjoy enhanced graphics and optimized controls specifically designed for mobile devices, allowing you to experience the full Bully adventure on your iPhone or iPad.

Download Bully: Anniversary Edition for iOS and discover why this game is a hidden gem in Rockstar's lineup.